How does MAYZ do it?

MAYZ Protocol is a decentralized protocol that allows the creation and management of investment funds by its community members. Its token, MAYZ, has the functionality to create the behavior incentives needed for the protocol to be managed by its community.

Types of Members:

  • Investor: this is the customer's protocol. This role does not require holding MAYZ tokens. Only holds LP tokens from the protocol's funds.

  • MAYZ Governance Members: this role participates in MAYZ governance. It can make and vote proposals. It requires holding & stake MAYZ into the MAYZ governance smart contract (MGSC).

  • MAYZ Fund Manager: this role creates and manages MAYZ funds. It requires staking MAYZ into the creator fund smart contract (CFSM).

  • MAYZ Escrow: this role provides services to investors. It helps them mint LP tokens from the funds.

Fund Creation Process

Through smart contracts and economic incentives, MAYZ token holders can propose, approve, create, and manage funds. The fund creation process requires staking a certain amount of MAYZ into the Creator Fund Smart Contract (CFSM) by the Fund Manager (FM). A proposal must be submitted to MAYZ Governance Members to create a new fund. Once the community approves it, the Fund Manager must stake MAYZ to generate the fund & set the initial parameters. Finally, it must perform an initial investment (regardless of size) for the fund to be operative.

Escrow Service

Another essential role is the Fund Escrow (FE), which will be in charge of investing on behalf of the fund investor. The Fund Escrow receives funds from the investor, performs the deposit transaction into the Portfolio Management Smart Contract (PMSC), gets the accordingly LP token from the SC, and then sends it to the investor to complete the operation. It's worth noting that any user can interact directly with the PMSC. The escrow service goal is to ease that process providing that the investing transaction can be complicated, costly, and time-consuming. To become an accredited escrow, MAYZ must be staked to provide an incentive for honest behavior.

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